Ways to Crack on Interview (Module 2)

Posted on: December 21 2019, By : Drishti Khimshia
Ways to develop your career
In the previous module there were some ways told about how to crack an interview. Now in this module a few more ways will be told for more clarification. A few more ways are – 
1. Speak Clearly – Maintain clarity of speech at all times of project confidence and clarity of thought. When communicating, always speak in a calm tone and clear manner. Don’t be in a rush to give out all the answers. Try to avoid fumbling as that will show you are nervous and unsure of your answer. If you do not know the answer to any question, be honest about it. A recruitment consultancy in Bangalore will basically give you guidelines of how to you should speak and what should be said. 
2. Make eye contact – When you talk to an interviewer make sure you make eye contact with them. Don’t look down or to the wall or clock. That shows lack of confidence. Whenever communicating with the interviewer always make eye contact. It displays confidence while allowing you to make an engaged connection. Even the best placement consultancy in Bangalore will suggest you the same. 
3. Rehearse explaining your Resume – An interviewer is likely to ask you to explain your resume. This is the time to elaborate your accomplishments in your resume. Stick to some specific examples that can prove you right in your accomplishments. It is advisable to rehearse your resume once so that you don’t get stuck in between your interview. This way you’re not taking too much time at the interview. Formulate crisp and clear answers that get your point across.
4. Do not waste time – The interviewer has a busy day planned so don’t waste his time. Always be straight with your answers and do not beat around bush.  There will be some tough questions that you may not be able to answer. In such cases accept that you don’t know but will learn. Don’t try to guess work or fool the interviewer. The best manpower consultancy in Bangalore gives you the guidance of how you can crack the difficult questions. Sometimes such questions are asked to see how well the candidate responds in pressure.
5. Customize your Answer – When you’re asked about your particular skill set do not give a common answer to every organization.   List out different ways of how you can present them and it will be an added value to the role and the company for which you are interviewing.

6. Mention your strengths – You will get several chances to explain your strengths in the interview. This can be a classic question – “What are your strengths?” or you can be asked about a particular project listed on your resume. Be confident and informative when talking about your strengths. Do not be arrogant or boastful about it. In a placement consultancy in Bangalore, they train you well as to what are your strengths and weaknesses. They will teach you what to say in the interview when such questions are asked.
7. Define your career goal - You should have a clear objective or goal in your mind. Keep an answer framed in your mind if this question is ever asked to you in an interview. Do not leave it general or vague as it can show lack of ambition and clarity in you. Instead talk to them about how to wish to grow in your field. The top recruitment agency in Bangalore makes your mind clear by helping you in setting up your goals. 
8. Follow the interviewers lead – Every interviewer will have a different style of talking and different way to conduct an interview. Follow their lead in their way of talking and professional behavior. You need to be flexible. This will show that you can listen well and adapt yourself in any office environment. 
9. Ask the right questions – After the interview is done, the interviewer may ask you if you have any questions. Do not hesitate to bring up what concerns you. Ask relevant questions. These can be about attributes of the job or the department. Any other random questions can be dealt with later. Don’t make that your priority question. 
10. Stay Motivated – Incase if you feel that the interview is not going as expected, don’t be sad or feel demotivated. Continue to answer the questions honestly and enthusiastically. A positive attitude from the candidate will always give a good impression on the interviewer. If you are sad or disheartened them it will show lack of ability to perform in tough situations worsening your chances further. To be motivated is what a candidate has to do itself; no manpower agency can help you with it. 
11. Show Gratitude – No matter how your interview goes always thank the interviewers for their time and consideration. Positive attitude and polite behavior can go a long way in impressing people. 
Remember, an interview is all about you and how you represent yourself. So be confident and follow the above tips. It will help you in cracking the most difficult interviews. 
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