Role of Recruitment Agency in Small Medium and Big Organisations

Posted on: October 27 2018, By : Shriniket Shetty
recruitment agency in small medium and big organisations
Small and medium-sized enterprises or small and medium-sized businesses are businesses whose personnel numbers fall below certain limits. Small and medium sized businesses in this world of constant economic imbalance and growth from within the market have been deemed to be an important sector for economic and social reasons. Moreover these not so large enterprises have been known to generate more employment than what would normally be seen by various industries and is an essential part of this world economy to be able to encourage growth within the country on economic levels.
The role of recruitment for any company is as significant as the purpose of the business. Recruitment agencies do more than ust recruiting for the particular company. For a recruitment agency finding the required employee for the particular type of business will not be a problem since the recruitment agency deals in bulk and is proficient in that particular field. Assigning a recruitment agency for the sole purpose of recruitment of absolute quality employees maybe the greatest decision making step that an organisation will ever make.
Busy companies will often outsource their recruitment needs to a particular agency who will then take care of things such as shortlisting, interviewing, and reference checking. The recruitment agency will then use the details provided by the company to place an advert on appropriate websites so that job seekers can apply. Once the job has been posted and the applications begin arriving, it is the job of the recruitment agency to sort through the applications to find the most suitable candidates for the position based on their experience and qualifications. Applicants are usually required to attend the office of the recruitment agency before they will be recommended for interview.
The reason for this is so that the agency can speak to the candidate in person to see how they handle an interview situation. The recruitment agency will also want to make sure that each candidate is presentable and will create a good first impression on the company. At the end of the day, the recruitment agency will want to make sure that the company is happy with those put forward by the agency and will want to make the interview process as short as possible for their busy client. A recruitment agency works with both the client and the candidate and must offer a good service to both. Although it is the company that hires the recruitment agency and ultimately pays the fee, the recruitment agency must also offer a top service to its candidates. Without the candidate, there will be no one to fill the position, so it is important to keep both client and candidate happy.
The success of a recruitment agency i(mumbai) will depend on the relationship its staff establish with both candidate and client. A good working relationship with the client will encourage repeat business. Developing a good relationship with candidates mean that they are more likely to return to the agency when they are job seeking again. If an agency has helped a candidate to find a job in the past, they are more likely to use them again
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